Bibliothèque Nobel

Nobel Library

Nobel Prize for Literature 1928
Sigrid Undset

'principally for her powerful descriptions of Northern life during the Middle Ages'

Available Reports

List of Works Selection of Translations

Works with bibliographic reference Bibliographic Data
sorted alphabetically



Poems, first line


sorted chronologically




Enter Book Code

[Works for which a book code is given in the reports,
bibliographic reference is available.
Enter the seven-digit numeric code (e.g. 123.4567)]

Book Code:

Long before there were discographies, the catalogues of works (e.g. Köchel, Riom, Deutsch, etc.) existed for the musical works of composers. In contrast, since Gutenberg, the book has been at the centre of the writers' written work. Thus, bibliographies are omnipresent, while list of works often exist only in rudimentary form. Such catalogues would be important in order to grasp the scope of a writer's literary work, especially in the case of works that radiate beyond the boundaries of one's own language. Translations are - perhaps for economic reasons – published very eclectic. Only the most popular works are available in translation and are therefore accessible through bibliographies. However, an assessment of the charisma and significance of a writer is only possible if one has an overview of the entire scope of his work.

This is an attempt to remedy this shortcoming for the winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature. As far as possible, all the works of the respective writers are systematically recorded in the language in which they were originally written. They are grouped into the classical genres of prose, drama and poetry. A subgroup of lyric poetry - namely poems in the narrower sense - form a separate group, so that works of the genres verse epic, ballad, poetry, etc. are included in the genre of lyric poetry. The information on the works also includes the year of origin or the year of the first publication.

The known translations are assigned to the original works of literature. In the data collection made available here, the focus is on translations into German, English and French. For the translations, the translators and the year of publication are also recorded where known.

The works and their translations are then accompanied by a reference to printed matter via the book signature in the indexes, in which these are accessible. Works with a book signature are available in our own library, which contains information on Works with the "r" added to the signature are based on information in public library books (mainly "Zentralbibliothek Zürich").